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- English
Články autora
The author analyses the conceptual frame of the Strategy Europe 2020. He suggests complementing the fourth priority, which interconnects European development strategy with global reality. For the analysis of the European Union status quo is used the force field model. The immigration phenomena is considered by the author as a very probable stopper of the European Union shift to the desirable state of a dynamic stability, which can be characterized by the well integrated political, economical and cultural environment. In this context he recommends to focus the European commission strategic decision process together with its global partners to the elimination of immigration exodus causes i.e. to the quick stabilization of a political and economical environment of states which are the major source of the immigration in relation to their cultural environment and traditions. Further the author recommends immediately to secure external boarder protection of Shengen common area on the level, which will be comparable with United States and simultaneously clearly formulate the European immigration politics in the way to guarantee sustainable growth competitive European Union within the global context.