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- English
Instructions for authors
Contributions are received continuously at the e-mail address of the editor-in-chief of vladimira.silhankova@cvut.cz magazine. The deadline for individual issues is always 31 January, 30 April, 31 July, and 31 October of the given year. The editors reserve the right to publish some issues as special or monothematic.
Please send your contributions in the journal template and especially provided with:
1. Name in English
2. Keywords in English in the range of 3-7 words
3. Abstract (it is a summary of content in the range of 10 – 15 lines), in English
4. List of literature and citations (please pay attention to the use of scientifically recognized literature, i.e., typically literature included in world citation indexes such as WOS or Scopus, mark this literature in the list of sources)
5. In a separate file, please attach the most important professional information about the author – up to 10 lines.
6. Declaration and originality of the article - see the Annex
The scope of the contribution is set at min. 3 and max. 15 standard pages (in exceptional cases, the editors may allow for an exception in the scope of the article).
The major articles are reviewed by two independent reviewers. (It does not apply to professional communications and information about events.) The review process is mutually anonymous. The editors and the editorial board have the right to reject the text before the review process on the grounds of non-compliance with the instructions for authors.
Declaration of originality of the contribution: together with the contribution, the author submits a declaration to the editorial board that the contribution is original and has not yet been offered for publication to another publisher. The text of the declaration can be downloaded here.
Edit posts
The articles should be processed according to the template that can be downloaded from this page.
To emphasize the chapters, two levels of their division can be used (e.g., 1. Sociodemographic approach; 1.1. Previous research).
The publication of contributions is decided based on a review by the editorial board. In case of doubt, the editorial board will ask for another anonymous review of the author. The final decision on the publication of the contribution is the right of the editorial board, which immediately informs the author of the rejection of the contribution. The reviewers are selected by the editors from among the relevant experts.
Citation instructions: Please quote according to ČSN ISO 690.
Submission of contributions
Contributions in MS Word (*.doc) or OpenOffice (*.odt) document format should be sent in electronic form to the editor-in-chief's e-mail address: vladimira.silhankova@cvut.cz
In case of non-compliance with the instructions, the editors reserve the right to edit the contribution or return it for revision.
Publication ethics, copyright
The editors of the journal Regional Development between Theory and Practice assume that:
• the offered manuscript is an original work, i.e., it has not yet been published, nor is it offered for publication elsewhere (with the exception of publication as part of a dissertation or other university thesis, review, or lecture);
• the author (or the team of authors) offering the manuscript is the sole copyright holder of the manuscript;
• if the manuscript contains material to which a third party holds the copyright (e.g., pictorial attachments), the author has obtained permission for its full use before offering the manuscript to the editors;
• by submitting the manuscript, the author declares his/her serious interest in publishing the article only in the journal Regional Development between Theory and Practice and respecting the conditions: Creative Commons license "Attribution-NonCommercial-NoRework 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)"
The editors expect the authors to inform them of the fact that the entire manuscript, its part, or some substantial results have already been published elsewhere (except for publication as part of a dissertation or other university thesis, review, or lecture).
The editors assume that the offered text, including the title and abstract, is sufficiently different from other texts published or intended for publication in a peer-reviewed journal or monograph. Finding otherwise may lead to termination of the review process.
Reprint and share a published article
An article published in the journal Regional Development between Theory and Practice may be further shared by anyone, i.e. reproduced and distributed through any medium in any format, under the terms of the Creative Commons CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 license, i.e.:
• Attribution - It is your responsibility to attribute, provide a link to the license with the work, and indicate your changes. You can do this in any reasonable way, but never in a way that suggests that the licensor endorses or endorses you or your use of the work.
• Do not use the work commercially – it is forbidden to use the work for commercial purposes.
• Do not interfere with the work: if you process, process the work with other works, supplement, or otherwise change, you may not redistribute the modified work (however, the author, in accordance with the Copyright Act, still has the right to create adaptations of the original work).
• No Other Restrictions – You may not use legal restrictions or effective technical means of protection that restrict others from the options provided by this license.
For more details, see: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/deed.cs
All or part of imitations (copies) of older works and presentations, passed off as original work, are considered plagiarism. Authors may not use the "copy and paste" method to publish multiple works in multiple publications, even if they have added little or no new information/knowledge. Authors who use significant portions of their own already published work, without providing proper references, are guilty of self-plagiarism.
Authors should try to avoid even minor plagiarism by providing appropriate references to the works used and by obtaining the necessary permission for use.
If plagiarism is proven, the editorial boards will officially contact the authors' institutions and their grant agencies with information about the violation of academic ethics. Additionally, the article will be withdrawn from the journal.
Handling complaints
If an ethical objection is raised about the submitted manuscript or published article, the editors will ensure a proper and fair investigation. Part of this process may involve contacting the author or his institution so that the objection is clarified. If the objection is found to be justified, further appropriate steps will be taken (correction of the published article, its withdrawal, etc.). Any objection or unethical behavior raised will be investigated, even if discovered years after publication.
If errors are found in the publication, they will be corrected, or the publication will be downloaded.
Editors may reject a manuscript even without a review if, for example, they find that its content does not relate to the focus of the journal, the quality of the manuscript is low or the criteria for publication are not met. As far as accepted and rejected articles are concerned, the editorial board and the editorial board must not have a conflict of interest.
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