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Based on the authors’ scientific cooperation, research results and teaching experience, the goal of the article is to analyse views on inclusion of new trends in human resources in teaching, to assess the nature of the novelty, whether it is a modern trend or a practical and long-term useful tool, diagnose the nature of the news and characterized new or changed roles of human resources at present in the Czech Republic and compare different approaches and practices in human resource management activities. The aim of the article is to present the main findings of the authors' semi structured interview survey on new trends in human resource management in selected organizations in Czech Republic and define the current challenges in HRM practice. The survey by semi structured standardized interviews was conducted during the years 2020 - 2022. The respondents were personnel managers of selected organisations in public and private sector. The relevant data were obtained from 32 personnel managers. The research questions are concentrated on present opinions on changes in HRM methods in private and public sector in the time of covid pandemic situation. The results show that in surveyed organisation are many changes in HRM processes which must be implemented in teaching HRM at universities.