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- Kontakt
- English
Články autora
The study examines the content of the roles of managers in regional education and the possible impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on changes in these roles. The respondents of the research survey, the methodology of which is presented in the introductory part of the study, were managers and other employees of regional education in various roles of actors in the educational process. The investigation took place within the framework of qualitative research design. The aim of the survey was to update the contents of key roles of managers in regional education and to determine whether the COVID-19 pandemic also changed the importance that respondents attribute to certain types of roles or partial activities of managers in regional education. In the theoretically conceived chapter 1, selected concepts of the roles of managers, known in the domestic context in theories of management and school management, are first introduced. Chapter 1 also specifies the content of the roles of manager for the model created by Plamínek & Fišer (2005), as they were presented in the works of theorists of management. The mentioned model was also used for data collection within the research survey. This means for determining the specific content of these roles and any changes in their meaning that occurred during the period under review. The influence in the period from March 2020 to January 2021 was reflected. The obtained information is presented and the results of the survey are interpreted in chapter 2 of the paper and in its final part. Here, the text deals with changes in the content and importance of such defined sub-roles mentioned by the informants and relevant for the period of changes that the COVID-19 pandemic brought to the segments of regional education. The basic method of the research survey was an analysis of written records of the roles of school leaders (principals) prepared by individual respondents. Questioning and the study of documents in the preparatory phase of the research survey were used as an additional methods.
The study deals with the possibilities of influencing the motivation to work by managers in the segment of regional education. Respondents of a research survey presented in the Introduction of the study were managers and employees who currently work in regional education or who are very familiar with the practice of school management. Theoretically conceived chapter 1 of the study then introduces concepts of motivation as an internal process and as one of the basic activities of managers. The overview also includes the most well- known theories of motivation / job satisfaction. Intention of the survey, the results of which are presented in chapter 2, was to find out which of the selected theories of motivation and job satisfaction respondents know and use in the practice of management and leadership of employees. The aim of the survey was to define specific possibilities how to positively influence the motivation to work and thus the work performance of employees in regional education. Qualitative research was used for the investigation (methods of questioning in oral and written form – recording the results of group discussions)
The paper deals with the determination of types and contents of competencies and roles of managers in regional education. Specifically, it compares the most important roles and competencies of managers in regional education as presented in specialised literature with the results of a survey conducted by the author of this study among the students of Master´s degree study programme in Educational Management in the period 2017-2018. Based on the conducted survey, it is possible to determine more precisely which partial competencies a headmaster needs for a competent performance of his/her work position. That is connected with the possibility to target more precisely the professional development of this group of employees in regional education. The information obtained can also be used as a contribution to the development of a professional standard or of a generally acceptable competence model of a headmaster. That could be used to specify more precise selection criteria for educational managers and also to enable their further career development also outside of the sector of regional education.
Manažerská funkce personalistika, označovaná také jako řízení a vedení lidí, má být nedílnou součástí práce všech vedoucí pedagogických pracovníků. Jejím základním cílem je i v regionálním školství zajistit pro organizaci dostatečný počet schopných a motivovaných pracovníků, vytvořit jim odpovídající pracovní podmínky a příležitosti k rozvoji a zajistit tak dosahování cílů na úrovni jednotlivců, pracovních týmů a řízené vzdělávací organizace.
Úkoly, které musí vedoucí pedagogičtí pracovníci v oblasti personální práce plnit, jsou spojeny primárně s realizovanou koncepcí personálního managementu vzdělávací organizace, se zajištěním dílčích personálních procesů a nezbytné personální administrativy. To vše se děje v reálných podmínkách vnějšího a vnitřního prostředí školy nebo školského zařízení a v konkurenci nejen s dalšími organizacemi regionálního školství.
Předkládaná studie je věnována především výkonu personálních procesů v regionálním školství z pohledu samotných vedoucích pracovníků. Přináší také dílčí srovnání s relevantními odbornými zdroji.